Meaning of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Edwin Flippo defines- HRM as “planning, organizing, directing, controlling of procurement, development, compensation, integration , maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are achieved.” 

The National Institute of Personal Management (NIPM) of India has defined human resources – personal management as “that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an effective organization of the men and women who make up enterprise and having regard for the well – being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its success”. 

According to Decenzo and Robbins, “HRM is concerned with the people dimension” in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization is essential to achieve organsational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of organization – government, business, education, health or social action”.

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2.✅ Scheduling the tests in a phased manner (Subject wise and full syllabus tests). Test series will consist of 11 tests of UPSC Commerce and Accountancy optional.
3.✅Test Paper which are carefully created by our expert faculty to enhance and sharpen the aspirant’s' intellectual competence for actual exam. Test paper will be based on previous year pattern, Current affairs and UPSC guidelines.
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1.✏️ Civil Service Gurukul will suggest sources (Books & Notes) for Covering Topics mentioned in above test series as per UPSC Circular.
2.✏️ Civil Service Gurukul will provide Value added notes on important topic.
3.✏️ Civil Service Gurukul will evaluate answer sheet and provide Synopsis/approach/Model answer to develop answer writing skills of answering questions of UPSC civil service mains Examinations 2018.
4.✏️ All test paper consists of 250 Marks each paper.
5.✏️ Duration of test is 3 hours.

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