accounting process

The following table lists down the steps followed in an accounting process:
1. Collecting and
Analyzing Accounting
It is a very important step in which you examine
the source documents and analyze them. For
example, cash, bank, sales, and purchase related
documents. This is a continuous process
throughout the accounting period.
2. Posting in Journal

On the basis of the above documents, you pass
journal entries using double entry system in which
debit and credit balance remains equal. This
process is repeated throughout the accounting

3. Posting in Ledger
Debit and credit balance of all the above accounts
affected through journal entries are posted in
ledger accounts. A ledger is simply a collection of
all accounts. Usually, this is also a continuous
process for the whole accounting period.
4. Preparation of Trial

As the name suggests, trial balance is a summary
of all the balances of ledger accounts irrespective
of whether they carry debit balance or credit
balance. Since we follow double entry system of
accounts, the total of all the debit and credit
balance as appeared in trial balance remains
equal. Usually, you need to prepare trial balance
at the end of the said accounting period.
5. Posting of Adjustment
In this step, the adjustment entries are first
passed through the journal, followed by posting in
ledger accounts, and finally in the trial balance.

Since in most of the cases, we used accrual basis
of accounting to find out the correct value of
revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities accounts,
we need to do these adjustment entries. This
process is performed at the end of each
accounting period.
6. Adjusted Trial Balance

Taking into account the above adjustment entries,
we create adjusted trial balance. Adjusted trial
balance is a platform to prepare the financial
statements of a company.
7. Preparation of
Financial Statements

Financial statements are the set of statements like
Income and Expenditure Account or Trading and
Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, Fund
Flow Statement, Balance Sheet or Statement of
Affairs Account. With the help of trial balance, we
put all the information into financial statements.
Financial statements clearly show the financial
health of a firm by depicting its profits or losses.
8. Post-Closing Entries

All the different accounts of revenue and
expenditure of the firm are transferred to the
Trading and Profit & Loss account. With the result
of these entries, the balance of all the accounts of
income and expenditure accounts come to NIL.
The net balance of these entries represents the
profit or loss of the company, which is finally
transferred to the owner’s equity or capital accont.we pass this enrtries only at the end of acconting period.

9. Post-Closing Trial
Post-closing Trial Balance represents the balances
of Asset, Liabilities & Capital account. These
balances are transferred to next financial year as
an opening balance.

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